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(Table Top Role Playing Games)


TTRPG's  are  a tabletop version of an RPG, but what really is an RPG?

A roleplaying game is what it says on the tin, a game in which you play the role of a character – often one that you created. A surly dwarf, a flippant rogue, a precocious young wizard, a courageous fighter – and many other characters can be created and played.


The games host will guide the characters through caves and cities, mazes and monsters, and generally narrate the story overall. You narrate what your character does in relation to this game world. 

The games host then tells you what’s happening with that world in response to your actions. This is not only a great way to enhance creativity, but also a great way to build life skills, as in game actions will have consequences, and the story will change depending on what you do, it evolves from the impact of your actions.

Here at Lord Foxley, these worlds are generally magic filled, medieval style fantasies. Fighters blocking blows with their shields, rangers hunting through the woods, wizards in towers creating spells, loveable rogues sneaking around in the night, animals to befriend and encounters that will encourage critical thinking, rather than just combat.


The options of what can happen in the game are inherently limitless. The stories, or campaigns can be short, or last many many hours, but the main goal is simple, have fun.


To help this, there’s some rules – well, more like guidelines – that keep it fair for everyone at the table. The varying game systems we use are all a little different in the rules they use, and we will take you through your chosen game system, and how to play it in our beginner courses.

So, if you or your children want to tell and play in an engaging and enjoyable story whilst making new friends and building their skills, please do come and join us!

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